The influencer ecosystem may be shifting, but here are ways brands can adapt to the “new normal” and continue to build brand
TikTok is the fastest growing social platform. It is rapidly becoming a social platform of choice for the young. Indeed, the word
Baixar PDF: Socialbakers-COVID-19-Impact-Report
We’re long past the time when a customer’s purchase decision could be traced back to a single point of contact. Gone are
Like a lot of platforms that have been around for a while, Instagram has evolved from its humble beginnings as a photo-sharing
Ciência de dados como aliado Em razão dos avanços científicos nos últimos anos, há fortes indícios de que a ciência de dados
The number of served ad impressions for the past month has been steadily increasing across most countries currently the midst of the
Os tempos são difíceis – não há exagero em afirmar que estamos enfrentando uma experiência sem precedentes. Pessoas adoeceram, a economia global