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7 dicas para construir uma boa campanha de vídeo marketing - Innovation Insider

7 dicas para construir uma boa campanha de vídeo marketing

6 mins read

Video is getting hotter by the day, becoming the most popular of mediums for content marketing, and marketing in general. If you’re considering using video, here are seven tips to help you build a solid video marketing campaign.

1. Come up with a solid concept

The first step is to know, and write down, what you want the video to be about. It may seem you can just jump in and start creating a video, but without a concept you have nothing to work with.

To ensure your video marketing campaign begins on the right note, it’s important to identify the following:

  • Your target audience. Who is the target audience of the video? Identify the people you want to reach. Your audience will determine the style, tone, and content of your video.
  • The product or service you want to feature. Create a solid concept around what you want to promote. A likely option is that you feature your products or services, highlighting their benefits and features.
  • The message you want to deliver. What do you want people to do after watching your video? You need a call to action (CTA) or a message that tells the audience what to do next. Learn more about your company? Visit your website? Begin a trial subscription…?

2. Keywords are critical

Keyword research is mostly done for written copy or content for websites and online ads. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to videos. If you go to YouTube and enter search words in the search bar, you’ll find a drop-down box full of suggestions. Those are the top video searches related to your search:

Various tools online can help you with finding the right keywords for your video and campaign. Once you have the keywords, you can optimize the script and other content for the video you’ll be creating.

3. Get to writing (a script)

Around 90% of YouTube videos are watched with sound. No one wants to listen to a boring monologue with boring content. People want to hear conversational dialogue, not a lifeless robot talking at them.

Don’t take shortcuts to scriptwriting. Invest in a decent script and ensure the video and audio quality. Here are some tips to start pulling together a script:

  • Make a list of points of what you want to address in the video.
  • Mention the subject of the video, in the beginning, to avoid losing viewers.
  • Keep it simple by refraining from unnecessary jargon and long sentences.

4. Get some help from tools

Whether you’re a video marketing guru or you’re just starting out, you’ll need to use some tools to help you create your videos.

You don’t have to break the bank to create an awesome video marketing campaign. The Web is full of resources. (However, you likely don’t have the time to search for the perfect tool to use. Here’s a list of tools: video editors, stock photo and audio libraries, and platforms for livestream videos, to name just a few.)

If you’re on a tight budget, you can find some free tools. If you’re looking to splurge, you’ll have more options to choose from.

5. Animation can help

Depending on your needs, explainer videos accompanied by a voiceover can be highly engaging and are great at explaining about how something works. They’re also great for conveying complex ideas or messages.

Businesses often want to show off their products or services, but sometimes those can be complicated to understand or use. With explainer videos, you can help the viewer understand your company’s message efficiently and effectively.

That’s because visuals are easier to understand than text or audio alone. Here are some types of animated explainer videos you can create:

  • Whiteboard
  • Standard animation
  • Motion graphics
  • 3D animation

6. Don’t forget the call to action

At the end of the video, there should be a compelling message or CTA addressed to the audience. Most of the time, people will need instructions on what to do next. The action can be simply visiting your website or having a potential prospect reach out to you.

A call-to-action doesn’t have to be salesy. You can use these phrases at the end of the video to encourage your audience to take action:

  • “Learn more about our company.”
  • “Check out our website for more content like this!”
  • “Got a question? Reach out to us!”

7. Spread the word

After you have your video, it’s time to let it do some work. You can’t just publish it on one platform and expect it to spread like wildfire. Here are some places you can publish your videos:

  • Your website
  • Your landing page
  • Your YouTube channel
  • Your social accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Use your social media platforms to spread the word about your video. Broadcast it on your feed, to your followers, and everywhere you can think of where your intended audience will be able to find it.

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